Dangers Of Night Time Driving – Buckle Up & Stay Alert

As Covid-19 hit our world in March 2020 and life practically came to a screeching halt, I began the joyous, important task of teaching my 16 year old to drive.  Amidst the quarantine, with people staying at home and things shut down, I decided it was a great time for driving lessons.  Landon began getting in the driver’s seat every time we went somewhere. 

 From day one of our lessons, I repeated over and over again the very important instructions of driving a vehicle:

-buckle up

-pay attention

-keep both hands on the wheel

-be careful

-stay alert

-don’t get distracted

-stop and look

When the quarantine was lifted and more folks were going back to work and shopping or whatever, suddenly there were a lot more cars on the roads!  While Landon was doing a great job, it now felt like we were in a different level of driving lessons because it was more nerve wracking with all of the traffic now.   There were more fellow drivers we had to stop and look out for, and we had never put a “Please be patient, Student Driver” sticker on the back of the car.  

One night we were driving home from visiting our daughter and her husband.  We took a different route than usual.   The night was very dark and it was difficult to see where the next turn was.   As Landon made a turn onto what we thought was a road, we quickly realized it actually was just a very short driveway and dead end!  We both had missed the road we should have taken a few yards back.   This got me thinking how easy it can be to get lost, to take the wrong turn, especially in the dark of night and unfamiliar surroundings. 

The scriptures tell us that in the last days, many will be deceived!  We must buckle up and stay alert!!  We must be aware of what’s going on around us!  Whether it’s daytime or nighttime, whether there’s a little traffic or a lot of traffic, whether we’re student drivers or experienced drivers, we must stop and look!  We must keep a firm grip on our faith!!!  We may have lived for God for years, but we can still be deceived if we’re not paying attention!   We can gradually merge onto a WRONG WAY street or DEAD END road!  

So take some time regularly to think about where you are.  Are you drawing closer to God during these unprecedented times or are you growing distant from Him?  On this journey there are detours, roadblocks, road construction, blind spots, falling asleep at the wheel, road rage, inclement weather, resulting in hazardous reduced visibility making conditions extremely dangerous.  

 Driving gets more dangerous as the light fades.

I read that 50% of traffic deaths happen at night.   In general, it’s more difficult for our eyes to see at night.   Our depth perception, color recognition, and peripheral vision can be compromised in the dark.  The glare of headlights from an oncoming vehicle can temporarily blind a driver. 

We are living in the last days!  Days of darkness!  Days of seducing spirits!  Stay on guard! STAY ALERT!  What influences are you under?  Are they positive or negative?  Is there sin in your life that is separating you from God?  We need to surrender all to God and ask Him to show us where to go and what to do.  Are you truly seeking the Lord for direction in your life?  We can’t always see what’s coming around the bend or over the hill, but we can trust that the Lord promised to never leave us or forsake us.  If we know that we have taken a wrong turn we don’t have to lose hope!  God can turn us around and get us back on the right road!  There are sometimes though that it may feel like we are on the wrong road when actually God has put us there and we must be patient and obedient to do His will.  That’s why it’s so important to stay close to the Lord through prayer, reading the WORD, and being renewed in the spirit so that we will be able to hear His voice and be led by HIM.   

 I Peter 5:8-9

Be sober (self-controlled), be vigilant; (adjective watchful, alert, on the lookout, careful, cautious, attentive, circumspect, wide awake, on the alert, on your toes, wakeful, on your guard, on the watch, keeping your eyes peeled – The Free Dictionary) because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:  Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

Life Application Bible Commentary

“Lions attack sick, young or straggling animals;  they choose victims who are alone or not alert.  Peter warns us to watch out for satan when we are suffering or persecuted.  Feeling alone, weak, helpless, and cut off from other believers, so focused on our troubles that we forget to watch for danger, we are especially vulnerable to satan’s attacks.   During times of suffering, seek other Christians for support.  Keep your eyes on Christ, and resist the devil.  Then, says James, “he will flee from you”.  (James 4:7)

 I Timothy 3:13-14

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.  But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;

 Don’t isolate yourself.  Encourage others.  Encourage yourself in the Lord.  Keep praising and worshiping Jesus.  Keep praying.  Pray more.  Keep reading and studying the Bible.   

It is our roadmap.   

-Written By: Sis Tibbs