
It’s hard to see others in their spring time when you’re still in a season of winter. Everyone is in their different stages spiritually, mentally, physically. There are no two people with exactly the same story. It may be hard to relate, or unfortunately, even be joyful for a friend or family member during their time of happiness when you are still in the middle of a trial or something that is just difficult in your life. Even though God’s word tells us to rejoice with those who rejoice, I am very saddened by the times when I allow my own feelings of jealousy and bitterness to overtake my attitude towards those I love most. I was reminded this week of a verse in Ecclesiastes (3:1)… “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven”. Everyone is not in the same season at the same time and not everyone experiences the typical events that are expected to happen during a particular season. I am so thankful to know that seasons don’t last forever; however, they may last beyond what we expect them to. Ideally, we expect the first day of spring to be filled with warm sunshine, perfect 70 degree weather, and newly blooming flowers. But sometimes we reach what is supposed to be “spring” and are only met with ice and snow and dead plants and trees. When we think the time is right to receive this answer and this healing and this deliverance, but we only hear silence and feel cold. If we’re not careful, we can leave our dreams and promises to die in the winter season. It’s so hard to remind yourself that better, greater things are coming, but it’s easy to say why even bother planning, preparing, dreaming, or hoping, when it’s still cold and feels like it will be forever. But there is hope and a promise that is coming and will one day be received when the seasons change. There is faith in preparation and hope in expectation.  I once heard a preacher say “God cannot ignore faith.” And this is true. The waiting is hard, the trials come, and it’s hard to remember what is coming. But when you prepare and believe for what will come to pass, you will not be forgotten or ignored. So thank God for that quiet, cold season, and use that time to find Him and hear His voice.

-Written By: Holly Tibbs