This Is Not The Plan!

I made my way through my stash of craft supplies in the basement to see if I could find some pretty fabric to make masks from. I came across some fabric that contained cherry pink flowers with Eifel towers and beautifully written French words. I remember making curtains from the fabric for my niece who decided she wanted her room decorated with a Paris theme. I decided the feminine print would be perfect for a mask. I brought the fabric upstairs and began the task of cutting the fabric to the size needed along with the soft backing it would need, and finally snipping the elastic to the length it would take to make a nice fit.

I took to the sewing machine and began stitching the two pieces of fabric along with the elastic together like I had been doing with other patterns for the past several days. I sensed God impressing some thoughts on my heart as I moved the fabric through the machine. Everybody wants to go to Paris, you know. In spiritual terms, He was saying everybody wants to go to the Promised Land, but no one wants to go through the wilderness, or the quarantine we have all been called to for this season. As the thoughts flooded my mind and heart, the Lord went on to say sometimes it’s necessary to go through the wilderness to get to the Promised Land. There are powerful lessons that can only be learned in the wilderness that would be impossible to be comprehended in Paris.

As a nation, no one is where they want to be; no one wants to wear a mask that restricts the freedom of taking in a deep refreshing breath that we are used to, but as we travel through this wilderness, the mask is a layer of protection against uninvited germs and particles from entering the respiratory system of those we come into contact with that could restrict the ability to take in a breath at all! We are traveling to Paris! In Paris, we don’t need a mask, but until we get there, a mask may be an important part of the uniform to help us fight while we are in the wilderness.

No one wants to worry about what they may encounter just because they had to make a grocery run, gas stop, or a doctor appointment, but for now we are in the wilderness and we must be concerned about what we come into contact with so we can get to Paris! In Paris, there are no worries, sorrows, trials, or pain, but we are not in Paris yet!

Everyone is trying to figure out what to do in the wilderness. God would say keep moving! Don’t get weary in well doing. Learn the lessons well while in the wilderness because Paris is just over the mountain top! If you stop in the valley of the wilderness, you will become weak, thirsty, discouraged, and depressed. If you don’t keep moving, keep drinking, keep eating, you will die! Paris is on the horizon! Don’t stop in the wilderness, just keep moving!

-Written By: Sis. Patty Hollaway